Busy Landlord Managing Multiple Occupancy Homes
Client: A landlord with a portfolio of multi-occupancy properties who prefers to focus on property management rather than tax compliance.
Challenge: Managing the tax requirements of multiple properties was overwhelming, and the client found it challenging to track allowable expenses, claim deductions, and ensure timely submissions without extensive knowledge or time to spare.
Solution: Tax Relax provided end-to-end tax management, taking on responsibility for expense tracking, record-keeping, and submission of tax filings. Our team identified all allowable deductions specific to property owners, maximising tax efficiency. The client’s financials are now easily accessible through a user-friendly dashboard, which our team updates monthly, allowing for effortless record review.
Outcome: This streamlined approach saved the landlord considerable time and reduced their tax burden, with deductions carefully optimised. The client now enjoys a hands-off experience with full confidence in compliance, allowing them to concentrate on expanding their property investments.